God loves a cheerful giver
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Giving financially is one important way in which we express our thanks and worship to God for all He is and has blessed us with.
At Holy Trinity we don’t pass round a collection plate during our services but appreciate that many people will want to give either a one-off or regular financial gift to God’s work here.
Financial giving is essential to resource, sustain and enlarge our various ministries – with the aim of seeing God’s kingdom come here in Huddersfield and beyond. It also helps us to continue to fund the running costs and upkeep of our building and staff team.
As a church we are committed to giving to God’s wider work and we therefore allocate a minimum of 10% of all unrestricted financial giving we receive to support a number of mission partners both at home and overseas. You can find out more about our Mission partners in the Welcome Area at church or on the Mission Support page of our website.
Our Bank Accounts
We have two different accounts for giving, all in the name of ‘Holy Trinity Parochial Church’. The details are as follows:
- Our ‘General Account’ funds our day-to-day ministry costs, building running costs, bills etc. Sort Code 40-51-62; Acc No 35137712. Cheques payable to ‘Holy Trinity Parochial Church’
- Our ‘Above & Beyond Account’. The aim of this fund (launched in 2017) is to establish a stable and secure foundation for specific ministry initiatives, our witness and building renovation works. More information is available on our website. Sort Code 40-51-62; Acc No: 53864258. Cheques payable to ‘Holy Trinity Parochial Church – Above & Beyond Account’
How can I give?
One-off gifts
- Cash or cheques can be placed in the collection plate in the welcome area before church services, using a giving envelope if you prefer.
- You can also give a one-off gift directly via your bank (using the account details above) – our preferred method – or at our online giving portal (see below).
Regular Giving
Many people give regularly to Holy Trinity and this is really helpful in allowing us to plan and budget. There are a number of ways you can give regularly:
- Set up a regular standing order paid directly to the church via your own on-line banking (using the account details above) – our preferred method.
- Set up a regular direct-direct via our online giving portal – see below
If you don’t use on-line banking and would prefer to use a postal form to complete and send to your bank please ask one of the church wardens or treasurer. Alternatively, you can donate by cheque.
Boost your giving by 25% at no cost to you
If you are a UK taxpayer, as a registered charity, we are able to claim an additional 25% of your one-off or regular gift(s) directly back from the government via the Gift Aid scheme.
If you do decide to give a one-off gift or set up regular giving either via your bank or online please let us know by filling in an online form. This form also includes a Gift Aid declaration, if applicable.